O.K., here's the deal. I've been busier than a one lipped woman in a cock sucking contest lately. Work has been non-stop. I hurt my damned left knee so I'm hobbling around favoring it, consequently I fucked my right foot up. My personal life blows dead chihuahua. I'm so low I could crawl under an obese, constipated pregnant flatworm on steroids. But will that stop me from blogging? Fuck no!
Now it's up to you, my faithful followers. YOU give me a subject and I will blog about it. At least for 5 min. or so. I will choose the best blog possibility out of the numerous entries I'm sure to get. The person who's idea I choose will receive a prize. And if that person is a good looking chick, the prize is a date with me! Hell, even if you are uglier than a see through bag of crushed assholes, as long as you go down like a power window I will wine and dine you. Or at least buy you some cheese doodles and a 40. That should be worth a gobble, no?
That's all for now.
Good luck.
In the immortal words of our shit-for-brains president: God bless 'Merka, goddamned everyone else!
How birth order within a family affects intelligence.
"It's a joke that the Right wing claims it is against 'judicial activists.' What they want are judicial activists who agree with them."
- Molly Ivins, syndicated columnist.
Blog away......
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