My Bad Weekend.
What a goddamned shitty-assed weekend I just had. Right up there with the worst of all time. I fucking hate my job but I actually regret taking a day off (Friday)! No more, I tell you. This weekend made me actually appreciate my job! Halla-fucking-luja!!! I am asking my simpleton boss tomorrow if I can work 7 days a week so I can avoid going home. He might agree except I doubt he can count all the way to 7! Shit.
So, seeing that I'm in such a foul mood, I will go on about politics! Lucky you guys. Hey, I'm sorry. I just can't bring myself to do the usual liberal bashing that's so fucking in vogue these days. Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton both suck blah, blah, blah, not to mention that c**t Hillary. And those damned environmentalist hippy mother fuckers! When will they put down their pot pipes and realize that this world isn't important. It's heaven that's important. Don't you shitheads read your bible?
I know that it would be more popular and fun if I went on about some stupid environmentalist or brought up some anecdote about how idiotic liberals were. But that would be too easy. Plus, the government is doing a good enough job of bashing any opposing view point as it is.
Wait! Case in point - I was listening to right wing talk radio (as if there is any other kind) the other day and the host (I think it was Jay Sevrens) actually breathlessly stated "no one hates the government more than I do." Huh? Then why the fuck do you parrot the government's line all the time? What about you, Sean Hannity? Or you, you wife swapping, drug addled prick, Rush Limbaugh? You guys are the propaganda wing of the government! Actually, I think they know that (and perhaps get paid by the government for it). It's their listeners that don't. Their listeners are so fucking dumb that they actually believe the caricatures of "liberals" that their heroes paint for them and are, for example, really afraid that gays will destroy marriage by wanting to be married. Too bad it's not cool to disagree these days. Unless you are brave. And not afraid to be ridiculed. Don't know anyone like that, do you?
They hate individual rights. They hate privacy. They are a libertarian's greatest nightmare! And one of my biggest beefs with this whole Republican mind set is it's anti-intelectualism. Hell, you think for yourself, you must be a commie/terrorist. Just believe. Faith. So here we go-
There is rampant anti-intellectuality in this country. I was just reading an online article about how literally hundreds of school districts are under siege by creationists who are trying to get their religious views into school curriculums. The Taliban would be proud. If you listen to talk radio for any length of time, you will come away with the feeling that the "pointy headed intellectuals" are somehow destroying our moral values. No wonder America is so far behind the rest of the world as far as education goes.
You wanna know why the government and it's propaganda machine (Rush, Sean, Bill, Fox etc.) wants you to despise knowledge and intellect? Because the more informed you are the less likely you are to fall for the government's bullshit. Josef Stalin all over.
My father was a fanatic as far as education and learning goes. He thought that knowledge was power. And He was right. Knowledge is power. And the government wants all the power to itself. The neo-conservative philosophy is about big, intrusive government that, if it has it's way, will control every aspect of your life.
Don't fall for the populist propaganda that uses a caricature of it's own invention called a "liberal." Hell, I would hate liberals too if I believed what they said about them. Just don't go mentioning the fact that Jesus was a liberal. Smoke will come out of their ears. Too bad it's true.
Well, I thought I would feel better after getting this off my chest. But I don't. To be honest, I wish I could be a simpleton and believe. To damned bad I was born with a brain and a healthy distrust of the government. My bad.
Jesus was the original liberal. He cared for people who were rejected by the rest of society - the poor, the disabled, and those without political power.
B-Face needs a job. Too goddamned much time on his hands.
But what if I'm wrong? But I can't be. There is a passage in the bible that states (I'm paraphrasing here since I don't have my bible close at hand):"Jesus said unto his followers 'Like, this 1978 Filmore West version of Uncle John's Band like, totally rules, dude' and Jesus then proceedeth to travel to The North East Kingdom upon-eth his VW Microbusseth what is replete with Dead stickers."
Proof positive, buddy boy. Deflect this!
You win.
Of course I win.
Such is life
Yes it is.
Yes we do.
As am I.
Couldn't of said it better myself.
You're right, as always.
That's the way the cookie crumbles.
Well said.
Back atchu.
You said "bag." Huh-huh
We both did! Huh-huh.
Calm down. It's not that bad.
Reminds me of victory.
I preffer the smell of Victoria's Secrets.
She has a 3" clitorus.
But your 3" dink is.
There is a waitress at the Stockpot who has a 3" clit according to a very reliable source.
I was not aware that she named her clit.
I named my clit "Dolph."
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