Friday, July 17, 2009

Missing: The Gay Sex Scene Between Armstrong and Collins

In what could be the biggest “what the fuck?” in human history, NASA erased the video of the first lunar landing in order to re-use the tape. You would think that back in the Apollo heyday at least, NASA had the budget for a few extra tapes. And it was a fairly momentous occasion, the first time humans landed on the moon and all. I wonder what the tape was eventually re-used for. Maybe some horn-dog flight controller put a camera in the female astronaut’s bathroom so he go get a peak at Sally Ride’s ass.

Or maybe it was erased on purpose. Perhaps it showed something they didn’t want us to see and I don’t mean Buzz Aldrin naked. Maybe some alien activity? The tape may have shown how Neil Armstrong and the aforementioned Buzz were taken over by aliens by inhabiting their bodies. I can see how NASA would want to sweep that one under the carpet. Hopefully they have been keeping an eye on the former moon walkers just in case. Buzz Aldrin is always going on about how aliens exist and Aldrin himself may be the definitive proof.

Some conspiracy nuts may say that either the tape never existed or that NASA destroyed it because it contained evidence that we never went to the moon. Crazy stuff. Maybe Neil Armstrong was the lone gunman as well. And we all know that Apollo 11 pilot Michael Collins flew a plane into the World Trade Center. I don’t think it’s likely that Buzz Aldrin is a member of the Illuminati but you never know.

I think the alien activity theory is the most plausible.


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