Saturday, June 11, 2005

Pigs Can Swim

Boy, I'm happier than a pig swimming in shit 'cause it's Friday! Well actually Saturday since it's way the fuck past midnight. I just got home from work. And just had my first couple shots of Jaeger. It's about time since my BAC had dipped under 20%. Yee-fuckin-haw!

Me and the roomies have a party planned for Sunday. Got a couple kegs and a nitrous tank. Good times will be had by all (except possibly the neighbors). Hopefully ole Wheelgun will hook up with a nymphomaniacal hotty. Don't bet against it. I know what chicks dig and I still have the moves. Actually I think chicks dig it if I move away from them. Oh well. I will still have fun.

So I will leave you with this thought to end the week on (sorry it's political):

There have been some rumblings about initiating impeachment proceedings against the trained baboon we have in the White House. Seems that the so-called "Downing Street Memo" has made people realize that our president may have misled us into war. Finally! I was beginning to think it would take Bush tattooing "Suckers!" to his forehead for those who dun votatated for Dubya to realize this. But he shouldn't be impeached. We voted him in for a second term so we deserve what we get. Besides, it's not like he got caught in a lie concerning getting his crank gobbled by a fat intern or anything.

That's all for now. Gotta rough up the suspect and catch some z's.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger Erin Nicole said...

perhaps you should dedicate a post to things that you will fuck. much shorter list i'm assuming.

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much, much, MUCH longer list, I assure you.


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