Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Katrina And The Waves

Wow, that was some hurricane! Not because of the death and destruction it caused but because it made our faux cowboy president cut his vacation short by 2 days! Even the ungodly mess in Iraq couldn't do that. I guess all that brush in Crawford will have to wait to be cleared until his next vacation in a couple weeks.

I love how people fall for this whole cowboy, man of the people routine Bush puts on. I bet most folks don't even realize he was born in New Haven, Connecticut and went to Yale (yes, home of pointy headed liberal elitists). He has never had to do a real days work in his life. His daddy has helped him get every job he ever had (and screwed up) and helped him avoid everything bad from jail time to the Vietnam war. I bet the fucker has absolutely no idea how the rest of us live. Remember, his dad didn't even know how much a dozen eggs cost.

And as far as that woman protesting outside his "ranch", it sounds like she’s doing a pretty damned good American thing. Remember protesting? We've all forgotten how. We just suck up what ever the gummint tells us as gospel truth with out questioning anything. And if any newspaper or TV channel dares not toe the line, they are branded as having a "liberal bias." God, our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves. Come on people, wake up! Ask questions! Be cynical!

Here’s a little exercise you "conservatives" should do. For one week, try really hard and pretend Bush is actually Hillary Clinton. Now, would you maybe just be a little hesitant to blindly believe everything she said? Keep it in mind. I hope she's never president but if she is, I will question everything she says and does like I'm sure you would. And just because he has nicer legs doesn’t mean you should trust George W. anymore you would Hillary.

Oh, and about New Orleans. I once spent a couple weeks there. I loved the place. I loved walking down the street drinking a 24oz beer in broad daylight with no one hassling me. I loved the food and music. Now it's a big ole swimming pool. Oh, well. If ever I get a vacation, instead of cutting it short like our hero did, I will put C.J. Chenier on the stereo, drink several 24oz beers and then cook up some spicy jambalaya. And no, I won't clear any fucking brush.


At 11:30 AM, Blogger Wheel Gun Bob said...

I avoid Mass. at all costs. The only reason I step foot in your godforsaken state is that I have to work there. Then I get the hell out as fast as I can. But I will take your word about the protesters. But are you sure they are protesting the war or latte prices?

I pay no attention to Hollywood. As should you.

I'm a vegitarian so I don't eat eggs.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Wheel Gun Bob said...

Protests might inconvenience you, but they can make a government down right nervous. Just witness the right wing attacks on that protesting mother. Anything that makes the government and it's one party rulers nervous is good in my book.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger The Cod God said...

Bob, I think that I can say without a doubt that the President, no matter who it is, has little, if any knowledge of any protest that goes on at anytime. They don't give a shit what we think. The only way that they ever work is during an election year, and as we all know, this ain't one.

As far as them not happening, they just had a big one about a half mile from your house.

And eggs...

I just bought a dozen yesterday (yes, I actually went to the store this time, not the Cod Gal) and I can't tell you what they cost. $1.50? $2.00? I believe that it depends on the size.. you know, just like butt-plugs.

ps- I'm an asshole, so I know how to spell "asshole"... it's "vegetarian"

pps- can you be a veggie if you eat tuna tacos?

At 2:54 AM, Blogger Wheel Gun Bob said...

Of course you are right as always, BFace. Lord knows you are above all us mortals. Protesters suck! How dare they get in your way! What, were you on your way to a Hootie And The Blowfish concert or something? How dare they inconvinience you! You are so much better/smarter/cooler than them.

Just you wait - one of these days the gummint is going to ban high-top sneakers or The Rolling Stones stadium concerts. Then you'll be out protesting.

And another thing: You sure write a lot of comments to other people's blogs but you are too cool(or chicken-shit?) to write your own blog. You can dish it out but can't take it.

Good Grief!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger The Cod God said...

good for you

now go away


Bob, let's go shoot something... soon.

I'll bring some Bush cutouts for you to kill and I'll bring some hippie cutouts for me. Hell, I may even make one of my stingy pharmacist. He deserves it.

After we're done filling them full of lead, we'll piss on them.

Hey, remember the door? Yeah, that door. The door that almost got us arrested.

Good times, good times.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being on the penultimate plane out of Nawlins Sunday afternoon, with booze still oozing out my pours, the sweet stench of hookers on my junk, my upper lip glazed like a donut and one last set of un-thrown beads in my pocket, let me tell you how fucked up it was down there in the last few hours before the storm hit. People everywhere with no way to flee the city because they're broker than Wheel-Gun after a trip to Pure Platinum just sitting on the stoop waiting to die with their kids. Fucking sad. No mandatory evacuation could be ordered for people because that would cause legal issues. Can't order a mandatory evacuation if you don't have a way to move everyone. Fucking douchebag politicians... always looking at the legal aspects. Bush, Hillary, Republican, Democrat - they all blow donkey in Tijuana and I have a bootleg copy of the tape. None of them are concerned with anything beyond their big fat checks and free health care.
Undoubtedly, since it's a well known fact that Bush hates poor people, he ordered Greyhound to stop running busses Saturday a full day before the storm(they did), Amtrak to stop running their falling-off-the-rails trains on Saturday (they did), and probably threatened cabbies under pain of death or removal of their driver-seat-massage-your-ass-cheek beads to not pick anyone up on Sunday morning while we were roaming the streets of the French Quarter figuring out which stores we were going to loot the next day if we couldn't get out. Walgreens on Royal was the #1 choice, which you've no doubt seen on the news already because it was one of the first to go. The James H Cohen & Sons antique weapons shop, also on Royal, was second. But Jerome - the best driving brother on the planet - said a big Fuck You to our New-Cue-Lar President and showed up with a van at 11am Sunday on Bourbon Street. If Jerome is still around I'd like to send him a pack of Winston's and a Schlitz Malt Liquor 40. He was probably the difference between me being home and me finding the WalMart down there to loot the gun counter and a couple of bags of Cheetos.
And yes, Katrina and the Waves jokes where flying (amongst us, horrifying the newlyweds in the van with us) while we were fleeing for our drunk-ass lives. Nothing funnier when you're staring death down like the bitch he is than one hit wonder jokes.

At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good day ##NAME##, Well I don't know what time it will be when you see this. Really interesting blog you've got there. Pretty cool stuff. Keep writing and keep it coming. Rex ##LINK##


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