The devastation is unreal. And I'm not talking about New Orleans either. I'm talking about my damned cube here at work. The Russian intern has finally gone back to school and has left a swath of destruction behind him reminiscent of a force 5 hurricane. I've been at it for over an hour and I still haven't finished clearing out this tiny 8 x 8 foot area. And then I have to uninstall all the fucking instant messaging programs and other shit he installed on my computer without my permission.
I grabbed the fucker as he was about to leave today and marched him to our (MY) cube and waved my hand at the disaster that is my home away from home. He looked at me with embarrassment on his pock-marked face and mumbled "I'm knowink you're not goingk to like dees." I said "Damned right I'm not going to like this, now get your hammer and sickle tattooed ass out of here before I go Ronald Reagan on it!" Now I know why Russia and the other Eastern block countries are such an environmental disaster. Nobody there can clean up after themselves.
But at least he's gone. And I'm going to have a three day weekend if someone will work for me. Maybe I should see if Turnyouheadandkov will stay through Monday. Naw...
I need the time off. It's been very tense around here and I have been on the verge of loosing my temper on numerous occasions over the last couple weeks. I'm also very jittery, can't sleep and have a bad stomach due to the steroids I'm taking for my arthritis. Maybe I should get together with Jose or Raffy and see how they cope with the side effects of ‘roids. And being in constant pain doesn't lend itself to being happy either. Good thing I don't have little kids to run around after like the Cod God does.
Well, enough of my damned belly aching. Once I'm home and in the arms of Jack Daniels I will be fine, so don’t you worry.
I don't know how you can possibly go on.
Disheveled papers and soda cans lying around.
That's much better than shoving bodies aside to get to dry ground.
I don't know how you can possibly go on.
Disheveled papers and soda cans lying around.
That's much worse than shoving bodies aside to get to dry ground.
I feel like Ralphing. Need booze to settle stomach...
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