Look At That S Car Go (up in flames)
Well, well, well. France is burning. It's about time. They are just a bunch of assholes anyway, right? At least its popular these days hate them. I bet if you did a survey of young people and asked them who we fought in WWII, those who knew what WWII was would probably answer France. Listen to any talk radio blowhards or Fox News, and you would get the impression that France was an enemy! It's just fun these days to dis the Frogs. And they do look down their noses at us. So fuck 'em. I don't hate the French, though. I was there once and they seemed nice enough to me. But I would never by a Renault.
Some Americans actually hate the French not because of their Renaults but because they had the temerity not to fall for the whole Iraq WMD malarkey being perpetrated by America and Great Britain. We actually changed the name of "French Fries" to "Freedom Fries" in the Senate commissary to show them a thing or two (how fucking embarrassing is that? I know we shouldn't give a rat's perineum about what the rest of the world thinks about us but we must really look like a bunch of rubes to them. By the way, the Senator who came up with that freedom fries idea is now anti-war and regrets the whole thing.)
That whole cowboy "either you’re with us or your’re with the terrorists" line of bullshit is just ridiculous. Maybe that works in Texas but not the rest of the world. It just so happens France like the majority of other countries was not convinced as easily as the American public about the necessity to go to war with Iraq. And guess what - turns out they were right! That's even more embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as owning a Renault.
I haven't really followed this whole riots in France thing all that closely but here is a bit of irony - The French (and the right wing in America) hate multiculturalism. And that seems to be the problem over there. Those immigrants aren’t being assimilated and their culture is being suppressed. We in America embrace multiculturalism (at least we did) and our immies are behaving themselves. Seems America isn't as backwards as people think. At least in this area. And even a Chevy Vega is more reliable than a Renault. Now that’s saying something.
The Dems are far more fun to write about. I just wish I had a blog during the Clinton years.
Hey, what did I do?
Leave me out of your lover's quarrels.
BFace - The only reason I make fun of the Republicans is to get you going. It's just too damned easy.
Always does.
Try something along the lines of "I just flew in from Cleveland. Boy, my arms are tired!" That always gets 'em.
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