More Crap
Just what you wanted - more crap about this upcoming band reunion as reported in my last blog. As a matter of fact, I will make sure this crap continues flowing unabated until after the cursed event occurs. God, you are the lucky chosen few! If perhaps you miss my witty, pithy political commentary (as no doubt BFace does), hang in there for a few more days. In the mean time, visit The Rude Pundit who is far wittier and pithier than I.
I have included a picture of ole Wheel Gun Bob taken at the end of the Gandhi's Lunchbox era, over 12 years ago. I can tell when it was taken by the various shit on my guitar. If any of you who visit this blog don't know what I look like these days, just picture me as about 60lbs heavier, with what little hair I have left almost all gray and my front teeth missing. Well, I exaggerate a little, but not much. I still have all my toofus.
This picture is troubling for a number of reasons. The expression for one. I look like I just received an ice water enema. Also, the hair style and beard make me look like I should be in a fucking Southern Rock cover band. The guitar is a Kramer, further degrading whatever cool quotient I might have had if any. BFace, to this day, can't understand why I traded in a Fender Jazz Master for this guitar. Of course BFace tries to be cool, I don't. Actually, the real reason was the Jazz Master had a broken neck (among other problems) and I wanted a guitar I could throw around a bit on stage and smack Tom with. This thing was cheap. You can tell I treated it with respect.
Ribbed for your added pleasure, here is an article and picture (at the bottom) of Jupiter 2 in the latest Wired Magazine. Fortunately, all you can see of me is my guitar's headstock.
Cool people don't comment on their own blogs. Wait, crap!
I just took a big crap and it made the sound "great-gosh-amighty!"
or ball up my shits
ice cream is good
Especially with pie.
hair pie!
Bearded clams
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