Katrina And The Waves
Wow, that was some hurricane! Not because of the death and destruction it caused but because it made our faux cowboy president cut his vacation short by 2 days! Even the ungodly mess in Iraq couldn't do that. I guess all that brush in Crawford will have to wait to be cleared until his next vacation in a couple weeks.
I love how people fall for this whole cowboy, man of the people routine Bush puts on. I bet most folks don't even realize he was born in New Haven, Connecticut and went to Yale (yes, home of pointy headed liberal elitists). He has never had to do a real days work in his life. His daddy has helped him get every job he ever had (and screwed up) and helped him avoid everything bad from jail time to the Vietnam war. I bet the fucker has absolutely no idea how the rest of us live. Remember, his dad didn't even know how much a dozen eggs cost.
And as far as that woman protesting outside his "ranch", it sounds like she’s doing a pretty damned good American thing. Remember protesting? We've all forgotten how. We just suck up what ever the gummint tells us as gospel truth with out questioning anything. And if any newspaper or TV channel dares not toe the line, they are branded as having a "liberal bias." God, our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves. Come on people, wake up! Ask questions! Be cynical!
Here’s a little exercise you "conservatives" should do. For one week, try really hard and pretend Bush is actually Hillary Clinton. Now, would you maybe just be a little hesitant to blindly believe everything she said? Keep it in mind. I hope she's never president but if she is, I will question everything she says and does like I'm sure you would. And just because he has nicer legs doesn’t mean you should trust George W. anymore you would Hillary.
Oh, and about New Orleans. I once spent a couple weeks there. I loved the place. I loved walking down the street drinking a 24oz beer in broad daylight with no one hassling me. I loved the food and music. Now it's a big ole swimming pool. Oh, well. If ever I get a vacation, instead of cutting it short like our hero did, I will put C.J. Chenier on the stereo, drink several 24oz beers and then cook up some spicy jambalaya. And no, I won't clear any fucking brush.